The Game of Life
If you can see life as really being a game, and that you really are free to choose to "play" whatever part you want in it; consider now, who you are in the game.
In English: Life is a game. Everyday since you can remember, you have already been choosing to "play" a certain role in this game. Victim, victor, happy, sad, etc etc.
What if you woke up tomorrow and could choose; "today, I am going to be an actor; and my role will be: a responsible father of 4 who is fun loving, faithful, entertaining, and a caring person to those around me." (whatever YOU want)
Consider that you are the only one who knows your part, and when you slip up, the audience won't know and therefore cannot judge you. And if you are looking at it as really being a game, and that no one is going to condemn you for trying something out, you really are free to create and try out the kind of life you want.
I am not sure if I have been clear here so let me share from my life.
I have allot of real serious stuff pressing in on me right now. I am finding myself getting stressed out and anxious. I could give myself some pat advice to just look at what is happening right NOW, (even from my previous posts) but sometimes I slide into the past or the future and get stressed. After all, I have had a lifetime of not being all there. <grin>
I was reminded recently of the simple fact that my life is a game and that I can choose who I will be in it. But it takes something of me to move this realization from being a concept to being a reality.
Stuff happens in life that I have no control over. But I DO have control over who I will BE in this life. I am going to (play the role of) be a person unshaken by the events of the day. I am going to be a person who rolls with things and lands on their feet. But I may also throw into this day the role of being a fun Dad and a thoughtful husband.
Now understand, I may win an academy award for my performance, or maybe I won't. But I tell you this, I will be what I will choose to be. I have been given a gift of free will and a brain to flex it. When you first start working out, do you perform like an Olympic athlete? No, but you do need to exercise/practise to get stronger.
I will let you know how my game is going; but really consider for yourself, what role have you been playing in the game of life so far? You don't like the role you've been playing? Well try this on. Fire that role, and give some thought about what role would be effective for you having the life you dream of! Let me know how it goes.
Love Always,
The WebGodFather
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In English: Life is a game. Everyday since you can remember, you have already been choosing to "play" a certain role in this game. Victim, victor, happy, sad, etc etc.
What if you woke up tomorrow and could choose; "today, I am going to be an actor; and my role will be: a responsible father of 4 who is fun loving, faithful, entertaining, and a caring person to those around me." (whatever YOU want)
Consider that you are the only one who knows your part, and when you slip up, the audience won't know and therefore cannot judge you. And if you are looking at it as really being a game, and that no one is going to condemn you for trying something out, you really are free to create and try out the kind of life you want.
I am not sure if I have been clear here so let me share from my life.
I have allot of real serious stuff pressing in on me right now. I am finding myself getting stressed out and anxious. I could give myself some pat advice to just look at what is happening right NOW, (even from my previous posts) but sometimes I slide into the past or the future and get stressed. After all, I have had a lifetime of not being all there. <grin>
I was reminded recently of the simple fact that my life is a game and that I can choose who I will be in it. But it takes something of me to move this realization from being a concept to being a reality.
Stuff happens in life that I have no control over. But I DO have control over who I will BE in this life. I am going to (play the role of) be a person unshaken by the events of the day. I am going to be a person who rolls with things and lands on their feet. But I may also throw into this day the role of being a fun Dad and a thoughtful husband.
Now understand, I may win an academy award for my performance, or maybe I won't. But I tell you this, I will be what I will choose to be. I have been given a gift of free will and a brain to flex it. When you first start working out, do you perform like an Olympic athlete? No, but you do need to exercise/practise to get stronger.
I will let you know how my game is going; but really consider for yourself, what role have you been playing in the game of life so far? You don't like the role you've been playing? Well try this on. Fire that role, and give some thought about what role would be effective for you having the life you dream of! Let me know how it goes.
Love Always,
The WebGodFather
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Hi Dan,
Your comments are reallly inspiring. I think you are getting a technical grasp of what it is like to "create" yourself a life that truly is pwerful and inspiring. I want to do the same, but I find I am missing a link to bring it fully and completely into reality. THis causes me to fall back on the old "what if I'm wrong" and "I 'll look bad if I fail" rackets. I'm glad I have someone like you to bounce ideas of of, as it allows me the opportunity to contemplate a different perspective. I guess I'm looking for my blind spots, and trying to make thing perfect be fore I move. That is not powerful, and I'd appreciate it if you would let me know when I'm doing it.
You're blog is causing people to think carefully on the world directly around them, and I wish you all the tenacity you need to keep doing the same.
Best Regards,
Marcus Chenier
Anonymous, at 8:04 AM
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