Know Thyself, Or Don't.

Monday, December 05, 2005

You're living in a dreamworld!

Where do you live right now? In the past, the present, or the future. (or a combination of the three). I realized very powerfully after my Forum weekend, that I was living in a dream world. The past was crippling my marriage, the future was giving me health problems, and my now really sucked!

But I discovered something that I will now share with you;

The past and the future only exist as memories or thoughts. In other words, ONLY IN OUR BRAINS. The only thing that is real is now. So therefore if you can get to, right now, and become clear for yourself what exists right now, you can seize the reality that the past and the future are things that only have power over you, when you let them take control of your present.

The past was, what the past was. BUT; it WAS; it no longer IS. The future will be what the future will be. And it will be the fruit of how you spend your NOW. So by releasing the past into the past, and releasing the "one day" into the future, you are left only with NOW. Being who you are.

You are either accepting who you are, or you are rejecting who you are. If you are fat, you are fat. If you are skinny, you are skinny etc etc. You can only be right now, who you are right now. As you will continue to be who you are, regardless of your acceptance or lack thereof, consider the futility of your rejection. The future has not happened yet, so the future is filled with possibility. But if you are crippling your now by not accepting what and who you are, you are also crippling your future.

You are the creator of your future, which will be the sum of what you accept AND are creating now. We have already established the past exists only in our minds, so therefor it has NO power. Every moment is a brand new moment to create, so you are free to create whatever you want. Mourn the past if you must, but to carry this now imaginary thing along with you, while you are trying to create a possibility, will simply get in your way and stifle your possibility.

One simple thing to get, is that in every occurrence there is "what happened" and then there is "the story we gave it" (or the meaning we gave it). Why can 10 people see an event and have 10 different stories? Whose is the true story? NONE OF THEM. If I drop a hammer on my foot. The only truth is that I dropped a hammer on my foot. Maybe some people like dropping hammers on their feet. <grin> I personally don't like dropping a hammer on my foot. An observer might find the hammer dropping on my foot quite amusing. Another observer might be filled with compassion and offer to have me locked up in a place where I couldn't get a hammer. The point is, we are "meaning making machines". All of the above mentioned are stories created from each persons mind.

If you can dissect an occurrence into 2 categories. The "what happened" pile, and the "story I gave it" pile, you will quickly see your past in a completely different light. You will realize that "you have been living in a dream world". You will see you have been creating stories your whole life around the events in your life. You then went on to boldly declare that your "story" was the "what happened".

Stop one day and listen to the voice in your head. What does it say to you. When you are in a conversation with a person, listen to what that never ending voice in your head is actually saying. You may discover that allot or some of the conversation you might share of that same conversation with another person; actually existed in your head. Because your mind is constantly working on giving everything meaning.

So what is the fruits of such a revelation? Accept who you are. You are not broken, you are not right or wrong. You are who you are. Fight it, and you will suffer. Accept yourself UNCONDITIONALLY, so you can, minus the condemnation of yourself, take responsibility for yourself and your life. If you fight it, you will always be blaming others or imaginary things for the things you do or the things that happen in your life. But if you accept yourself, you won't be depressed/angry/resentful when you show up again in some circumstance. You are who you are. Now you can take responsibility for yourself out of integrity, not guilt.

Create the life you love and live it powerfully. Stay always present to the only thing that exists. NOW. To be anywhere other than now is like purposefully shooting yourself in the foot. I would invite you to take some time and think about who you are, warts and all. When you think you have it all, why not call someone you love and trust, and share ALL of it with them. Then why not go the next step and share the possibility you are creating for yourself with that person. They can only know you as the person you are, so if you are always trying to be something else, how are they going to know what or who to love?????

Love always from,

The WebGodFather


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